MBOU "Secondary school with. Sarly"


on the topic: "Variety of birds."

Done by: 10th grade student

Khafizova A.N.

Head: Salikhov Flaris Mirzagitovich



1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………3

2. Main body:

2.1. The most common birds ………………………….5

2.2. Squads of birds…………………………………………………….15

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….19

4. Literature…………………………………………………………..…20

1. Introduction

Even in ancient times, people paid attention to the annual flights of birds. This phenomenon in the life of nature is really wonderful. With the onset of autumn colds, many of the birds that lived in our forests and fields in the summer disappear. Others fly in instead of them, whom we did not see in the summer. And in the spring, the disappeared birds reappear. Where were they and why did they return to us? Couldn't they have stayed where they flew off for the winter?

Some birds disappear for the winter and others appear not only in the North. In the south and even near the equator, birds make seasonal flights. In the north, the birds are forced to fly away by cold weather and lack of food, and in the south, by the change of wet and dry seasons. Where birds breed, that is, in the north and in a temperate climate, they spend a smaller part of the year, and spend most of it on flights and living in wintering areas. However, every year migratory birds return to where they hatched the previous year. If in the spring the bird did not return to its homeland, we can assume that it died. The better a bird finds its home, the more likely it is to survive and breed. This is understandable: after all, any animal, including a bird, is most adapted to the conditions where it was born. But, when living conditions change at home - a cold snap sets in, food disappears, the bird is forced to fly to warmer and more abundant food places. Birds that make such journeys are called migratory birds.

Birds are wonderful creatures, they delight us with the beauty of their plumage, fascinate us with marvelous singing and destroy harmful insects and mouse-like rodents. Special studies have calculated that birds save about 30% of the crop for humanity. Birds carry seeds over considerable distances, some pollinate plants. Birds are the largest class of terrestrial vertebrates. All birds are warm-blooded animals. Their body temperature is constant and quite high. To maintain it, a large amount of energy is consumed, the energy costs are replenished by a huge amount of food, which exceeds even their weight. Birds are characterized by complex and varied behavior. They build nests, feed and protect offspring, make long-distance flights. Birds express their emotions by singing, sometimes unusually charming. They have a memory and the ability to imitate. For example: starlings, jackdaws can reproduce human speech.

Faunappbirds of Tatarstan is rich and varied. On the territory of Tatarstan, you can meet 274 species of birds. Some birds are migratory birds that appear with us in spring and fly away in autumn; some come to us only for the winter. The most common birds in the Aznakaevsky district are magpie, sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow. It happens that rare-flying birds appear here in Tatarstan, such as ptarmigan, bustard, skua, shelduck, pelican, loaf, flamingo.

2.1. Most Common Birds


Common magpies are sedentary birds. They live in small forests, parks, gardens, groves, copses, often not far from human habitation. Avoid dense forest. Magpies are paired birds. A partner is chosen in the first year of life, the first "intimacy" happens by the age of two, and the next spring the couple begins to build a nest and tries to have offspring. Often they can be seen in a flock of two to five birds, flying from tree to tree with a loud chirp. Most often it is an adult couple with their fledglings. Pairs valiantly defend their territory against other magpies.

The restless chirping of a magpie, which has found a hunter in the forest, will be perceived not only by other birds, but also by a wolf, a bear and other animals. Like most corvids, magpies feed on a wide variety of foods. Its diet includes both small mammals and insects. Magpies also often destroy bird nests, dragging eggs and chicks. And sometimes they even carry bones from dogs. Magpies living next to a man are not afraid to steal some food from him. Magpie is an omnivorous bird. She eats both animal and vegetable food. For food - insects, slugs, spiders and wood lice, magpie is looking for on the ground. Sometimes she manages to catch a small mammal or a lizard. Farmers do not like magpies, as they peck grains and seeds in the fields.

In spring, magpies examine bushes, young groves in search of nests of other birds, whose eggs and chicks are their favorite food. They also do not disdain small rodents. With their powerful beaks, magpies dig out insect larvae from the ground and break the shells of bird eggs.

If the prey is too large, then the magpie, holding it with one paw, tears off pieces with its beak. An important place in its diet is occupied by insects, including such harmful ones as weevils, turtle bugs, locusts, and butterfly caterpillars. Magpies, thanks to their skill, always find food.Magpies build several nests, of which they occupy only one. The nest of a magpie is spherical in shape, built of dry twigs and twigs, with a side entrance. The female lays 5-8 eggs in April, after which she incubates them for 17-18 days.


Woodpeckers are birds of small and medium size: the smallest are smaller than a sparrow, the largest are the size of a crow. The appearance and coloration of woodpeckers are very different. Some species have a monochromatic brownish coloration, others have a variegated, often quite bright plumage. The wings are blunt, usually consisting of 10-11 primary flight feathers. The tail often consists of 10-12 helmsmen. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed; chicks are colored similarly to adults. The legs of woodpeckers are usually four-toed, short, but strong, well adapted to climbing the trunk and branches of trees: in most species, 2 fingers are turned forward, 2 back. The claws are hooked, which helps the bird to easily stay on the trees. All woodpeckers are diurnal, the vast majority are forest birds. They begin to breed at the age of about a year, forming pairs during the nesting period. Woodpeckers nest in hollows or burrows. The number of eggs in a clutch varies greatly. More often, the clutch consists of 2-12 single-colored white eggs, which are laid directly on the bottom of the nest; nest litter is usually absent. Both the male and the female (but more than the female) incubate the clutch for about 2 weeks. The chicks hatch blind and in the vast majority of species are naked (without downy attire). After leaving the nests, the chicks stay together for some time with the whole family, but soon the brood breaks up. Most woodpeckers are quarrelsome birds: they can be found in groups only in places rich in food. Woodpeckers lead a sedentary lifestyle, but in autumn many species wander, flying to places where they did not nest. They fly even farther from their nesting sites in winter. Almost all woodpeckers feed on insects, rarely eat plant foods. Many species, especially those found in the temperate zone, switch to feeding on tree seeds in winter. Some species consume exclusively plant foods. By exterminating insects, many of which damage trees and shrubs, woodpeckers bring certain benefits to forestry. In addition, most woodpecker-like nests are hollowed out, and other hollow-nesting birds subsequently willingly settle in them, the vast majority of which are insectivorous birds useful for forestry. Woodpeckers are distributed in all forests of the globe, with the exception of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Madagascar; especially a lot of them in South America. This order includes 380 species, united in 2 suborders: jacamars (Galbulae) and woodpeckers proper (Pici). Birds from the jacamar suborder are characterized by an elongated body, a long, almost awl-shaped beak with bristles at the base, short wings, a long stepped tail and soft fluffy plumage with a golden sheen, for which the jacamar is also called glitter tyanki. These birds are widespread in Central and South America. Jacamars are divided into 2 families: chatterboxes (Galbulidae) and powder puffs (Bucconidae). The suborder of woodpeckers proper includes outwardly very different birds, characterized by a strong, usually massive beak and a dense, stocky body with a medium-sized tail. These birds are distributed in America, Africa, Europe and Asia, almost everywhere where tree and shrub vegetation is found. Actually woodpeckers are divided into 4 families.


Sparrow is a small bird widespread in cities. The weight of a sparrow is only 20 to 35 grams. Meanwhile, the sparrow belongs to the order of passeriformes, which, in addition to it, includes more than 5,000 species of birds. The largest representative of the detachment is the raven (its mass is about one and a half kilograms), the smallest is the kingpp(weightppbeforepp10 oograms).The sparrow got its name in ancient times and it is connected with the habits of these birds to raid farmlands. Chasing the birds, people shouted “Thief beat! ". But in fairness it should be noted that raids on the fields were not always carried out only by sparrows, but also by other representatives of the detachment.In Russia, there are two types of sparrows: the house sparrow, or city, and the field sparrow, or village.

Interesting facts about sparrows: the structure of the sparrow's eyes is such that birds see the world in a pinkish color. The heart of a sparrow makes up to 850 beats per minute at rest, and during the flight up to 1000 beats per minute. At the same time, a strong fright is fraught for a bird even with a fatal outcome, as it significantly increases blood pressure. The body temperature of a sparrow is about 40 degrees. A sparrow spends a lot of energy per day and therefore cannot starve for more than two days.


Body length 35-38 cm; weighs 400-700 g.

Among the rest white partridge stands out clearly : Its color is different depending on the season. Winter she has white, except for the black outer tail , with densely feathered legs.

In the spring, during the mating season, the head and neck acquire a brick-brown color, in sharp contrast with the white body.

In summer and autumn, the male and equally red-brown or variegated (gray with various transverse waves, dark spots and stripes). Flight feathers are white; legs and belly white or yellowish white. The figure represents significant individual variation.

The female is slightly smaller than the male, lighter than him and changes color earlier than him.


Commonppmainppway and district-nah , sometimes found in open spaces of more northern latitudes. Often settles on , and other areas used in agriculture. In the western and southern parts of the range - mainly a sedentary bird, in the north and east - or partially migratory.

Bustard eats plant and animal food - herbs, greens , , sometimes and mouse rodents. from April to June, in clutch - 1-3 eggs of yellowish, greenish or bluish color with a complex pattern.

In the 19th century, this bird was considered a popular hunting object in Russia. Once a numerous and widespread bird, in the 20th century the bustard became a very rare species that disappears in the wild. For this reason, the bustard is currently under protection. , Red Books of all countries where it lives, and various international conventions. A number of projects aim to preserve and view to the places where he disappeared earlier. The main causes of extinction are associated with human activities - uncontrolled , the use of agricultural mechanized equipment, changing landscapes.



In systematics, it occupies an intermediate position between geese and typical ducks, resembling both of these groups of birds in appearance and behavior. Common, locally abundant. On the territory of Eurasia, there are two separated populations with different habitat conditions: the first nests on the sea coasts of Europe, and the second on large open lakes with salty or brackish water in the arid regions of Central Asia. In Russia, it is distributed on the islands of the White Sea and in the south of the country in the steppe and forest-steppe zone.

Sedentary, migratory or partially migratory species, depending on the habitat. It nests on the bank of a reservoir or at a short distance from it. Breeds in April - July. The nest is arranged in a hole, in old burrows of other animals, sometimes in the voids of a tree or artificial structures. The clutch usually contains 8-10 creamy white eggs without a pattern. The chicks that were born are covered with down and are completely independent, they feed together with their parents in the reservoirs. Feeds on small crustaceans, mollusks, aquatic insects. He is not afraid of a person and lets him close to him.


The loaf has a length of 56 cm. Adult birds are dark brown in color with a bronze and green metallic sheen. Juveniles are brown without ebb, on the head and neck there is a white shading that disappears with age. Habitat of loaves - fresh and slightly saline reservoirs, vast swamps, estuaries, shallow waters and . Loaf loaf feeds on aquatic invertebrates - aquatic insects, leeches, earthworms; sometimes fish and amphibians.


Flamingos have thin long legs, flexible and , the color of which varies from white to red. Their special distinguishing feature is a massive curved down with which they filter food from water or . Unlike most other birds, the movable part of the flamingo's beak is not the lower, but the upper part. The front toes are connected by a swimming membrane. Pink or red coloring of flamingo plumage is given by dyes. that birds get with their food. In danger, they take off, and it is difficult for a predator to choose a certain prey from them, especially since the flight feathers on the wings are always black, and when flying they make it difficult to focus on the prey. AT flamingos do not lose their unique plumage coloration, as various containing products: grated , and, most importantly, small crustaceans.

Foodppflamingosppcomposedppfromppsmall , , , and which they find in shallow water. Their pink color comes from small red crustaceans that contain . They specialize in just a few types of prey, and this is reflected in the shape of their beak, which helps them in this. Looking for food, flamingos turn their heads so that the upper mandible is at the bottom. The beak has a float that supports the head in the upper layers of water, especially rich . Taking water into the mouth and closing the beak, the bird pushes the water through the filter located on the upper beak, and swallows the food. All stages of nutrition alternate very quickly.

The natural enemies of flamingos are , often settling near the colonies. Sometimes they are attacked by other predators.

2.2. Orders of birds

We all know that the class of birds is subdivided into 40 orders. In my project, I considered the most frequently encountered orders of birds.

The chicken order includes 6 species. Four of them - black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse and gray partridge - live with us throughout the year, quail flies to tropical Africa for the winter, and ptarmigan only occasionally appears in Tatarstan during its winter migrations.

The order of gulls includes 12 species of birds, of which 8 are nesting, and 4 species are found only on migration and during summer migrations. In connection with the formation of reservoirs, the number of large gulls - herring and gray gulls - has noticeably increased. In the spring, fish, frogs, and even mouse-like rodents that died in winter are of great importance in the diet of gulls.

In Tatarstan, the anseriform fauna is very richly represented: 30 species have been recorded here. Our anseriformes are divided into 5 groups: swans, geese, wild ducks, divers and mergansers. The arrival of geese, according to long-term data, usually begins around April 14, when the first temporary reservoirs - “snowfields” appear in the fields. Many folk signs are associated with the arrival of geese: “if the geese fly high, the spring ones will be high, the low ones will fly and the spring ones will be low”, “the geese scream a lot - for the harvest.”

The bulk of the geese only fly through our republic, a very small part of the gray geese remains nesting in the reservoir and in hard-to-reach lakes and swamps.

The predatory order unites birds that lead a predatory lifestyle; they have amazing visual acuity. We have noted 28 species of birds of prey, of which 21 species nest in the territory of Tatarstan. Most diurnal birds of prey are migratory, and only four species are sedentary: hawk, peregrine falcon and golden eagle.

The detachment of owls unites birds leading a nocturnal lifestyle. There are 12 species of owls in the fauna of Tatarstan. The eagle owl, the owl, the hawk owl lead a settled way of life, and the snowy owl and the bearded owl appear in our winter only in some years. All owls are undoubtedly useful birds, and if occasionally they catch game animals and birds, then this is more than compensated by the large number of mice and voles they have killed.

Long-winged birds are birds with long wings. We meet one species from this detachment - the black swift. Swifts appear with almost calendar accuracy - around May 14, and their swift flight with a piercing cry marks the onset of the last phase of spring. Before bad weather, swifts fly low, they are very sensitive to changing weather conditions; thus, observing swifts, it is often possible to predict changes in the weather.

The richest order of passerines in terms of the number of species is represented inooTatarstan 103 species, which is 37% of the species composition of birds in our region. Most small passerines feed on insects - if not all year round, then during the feeding of chicks. Many eat weed seeds. Sparrows are very useful birds that help people fight pests in agriculture and forestry.

A detachment of larks arrives to us very early - as soon as thawed patches appear in some places, and their ringing song is heard already at the end of March. Mass arrival takes place in the first half of April

Sometimes starlings arrive almost simultaneously with the sonorous vociferous larks. Males arrive first, followed a few days later by females. By their arrival, males are looking for birdhouses, often evicting sparrows from their houses. Having settled down, the starling sings loudly with enthusiasm, waiting for her girlfriend.

The impact of man on nature is increasing every year, and it is not in favor of our birds. Many years ago, such a sign was relevant that with the arrival of rooks, spring comes. But in recent years, I noticed that the rooks do not fly away to warmer climes, but remain to winter here, since they can find food in the city.

Now it is especially important to take effective measures to protect the animal world, to preserve all its diversity for the future. Everything possible must be done so that natural resources are not wasted in vain, so that our land becomes prettier and richer every year, andooherxxanimalllworldoomade the person happy. All this is in our hands, it is only necessary to make an effort, to do everything possible so that the animals - our smaller brothers - feel cared for.about--man, his protection.


It is impossible to imagine a world without birds, we are so used to them that sometimes we do not notice. But they are close and need protection. Many of the birds are listed in the Red Book, which means that there are few of them left or they are on the verge of extinction. Let's keep our world beautiful and diverse! Let's take care of the birds!

4. Used literature:

1. Golovanova E. N., Pukinsky Yu, B. Journey to the world of birds. Lenizdat, 1971.
2. Griffin L. Flights of birds. M., Mir, 1966.

3. Ilyichev V. D. Birds are flying. Human and nature. Issue. 2, M, Knowledge, 1976.
4. Ilyichev VD Location of birds (adaptive mechanisms of passive location of owls). M., Science, 1975
5. Ilyichev VD, Vilks BK Spatial orientation of birds. M., Nauka, 1978.