Holiday “Live, Earth!”

Goals :

Formation of ecological culture of the younger generation

Forming a positive attitude towards the environment

To develop an interest in the surrounding world and a desire to protect nature.

To overcome the consumer attitude towards nature, to form environmental consciousness and corresponding value orientations in children.

Deepen children's knowledge about the world around them and environmental

Promote the accumulation of teamwork skills;

Create the prerequisites for environmentally correct behavior.


1. Organizational moment.

Do we wish each other well?

We wish each other well!

If things get difficult, will we help each other?

If it gets difficult, we will help each other!

II. Message Topic and Purpose

Today we have a lesson - a holiday. Draw an image of the word “holiday.”

For me, a holiday is ……………

    Wonderful, bright, sonorous, joyful, cheerful, responsible…………

    The holiday means gifts, interesting games, competitions, songs, dances, poems………

Let's take a look at the calendar, not the simple one, but the ecological one, and find out what holiday is approaching.

from April 15 to June 5 - All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards

April 24- World Laboratory Animals Day

Fourth Saturday of April - Biologist's Day

Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters - Day of struggle for human rights from chemical hazards (Chemical Safety Day) - International Guide Dog Day

What holiday is the most significant for you?

Verse "Take care of the Earth!"

Guys, we all have a birthday. And so people agreed and decided that our planet should also have a birthday. That day was April 22. This is the day of birth and protection of our rivers, lakes, forests, animals, birds, insects - this is the day of protection of our nature. On this day, both children and adults expect congratulations and gifts. On this day there are songs, kind words and even the sun shines brighter. (GLOBE)

1. Hello, our happy holiday,

A glorious holiday - Earth Day.

We are with you today

They came to celebrate it.

2. Everyone here knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature!

So let's say together one, two, three,

Let's open the holiday - Earth Day.

3 Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

Just look around -

There is a river here, a green meadow there!

4. You can’t get through the dense forest!

You won't find water in the desert!

And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,

And somewhere it’s hot even in winter!

5. We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas

Everything is called Earth.

- Look around: what a beautiful, amazing world surrounds us. Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. This is nature! She feeds us, waters us, clothes us, gives us everything for life and in return demands very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.


However, sometimes both adults and children behave callously towards her

1 - Factories emit smoke into the atmosphere,

A huge black pipe

2 -And factories are drained into rivers

Streams of muddy water.

3 - Garbage litters the Earth,

All living things are threatened!

4 -Planes are buzzing in the sky,

Scaring flocks of birds!

5 -Here oil is pouring from a tanker,

Sea fish are fighting in it!

6 - Cities and towns of the earth

Cars are overrun!

7 -Rockets, burning fuel,

They fly to endless heights.

8 -And children on the planet are dying

From bombs exploding houses!

After all, there is a war on Earth!

9 -What is going on?

On our beautiful Earth!

10 -Isn’t it time to stop!

Everyone grab their heads!

Let's hurry up

Let's save our land from harm!

Our Earth, although large, is very sensitive.

The man is also big, but a mosquito lands on him and he feels it

This is how the Earth feels everything. It hurts her when people use her wealth unwisely: cut down forests, litter water bodies, pollute the air. In a word, it pollutes the environment

Yes! The earth is hurting from the unreasonable actions of people. But she still loves us, takes care of us. The earth tries its best to hide human anger in its depths, but sometimes it becomes unbearably painful. What causes natural disasters. Floods, snow in summer...The Earth asks for help!

Today we will dedicate poems and songs to our birthday girl, and we will give a beautiful card that we will all make together.

To do this, we will have to complete tasks.

III. Work on the topic

1) Rules of conduct in nature.

Everyone knows that there are certain rules of conduct when visiting: you cannot shout when you enter an apartment, you need to wipe your feet and say hello. A polite person is always pleasant to the owners, and they will invite him again.

There are rules of politeness that must be observed when you come to visit nature. Here you cannot behave as you please.

1st tourist Today we came for a walk,

Fortunately, the forest is just a stone's throw away!

We bought everything:

Food, matches, lemonade.

2nd tourist. We’ll eat everything we took,

Let's look at nature.

And packages, jars, bottles

We'll scatter it in the clearing.

3rd tourist. Let's throw all the bottles into the river -

Let the parcels float into the sea!

There is no trash can - take it to the bushes!

We are on first terms with nature!

Forest, is it nobody's?

Tourists in unison. Nobody's!

4th tourist. Let's settle down quickly!

We can't be bothered here:

Burn and pour, hack and hit!

We are kings! Be silent, Nature!

Everything here is ours - the forest and the waters!

Did the boys behave correctly?

What was wrong with their behavior?

- Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a game with you"If I come to the woods ». I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes”, if bad, then we all shout “no” together!
- If I come to the forest and pick a chamomile? (No)
- What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (No)

What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? (Yes)
- If I tie a branch, will I place a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (No)
-What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? (No)
-If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)
-I love my nature, I help it! (Yes)


2) Live, spring. Live

Guess the riddle:

We say: it flows

We say: she plays

She always runs forward

But never runs away (water)

A spring gushed from the bowels of the Earth,
Instantly became a crystal stream...

The streams rush, they run forward,

And now the river is already flowing!

The river does not flow somehow
And it goes straight to the sea...

And the sea is like a huge mouth,

All the waters of the rivers will flow into itself!

Well, then he will accept them himself
The vast ocean!

And he will wash the globe

The water is clean and blue.

1. There is always water in the spring. Where does it come from? (The spring is fed by underground waters).

2.Explain the concept of “soapy water”. (These are waters of reservoirs contaminated with detergents)

3.What should enterprises do to prevent contaminated water from entering the reservoir?

(Install purification facilities and use the same water many times).

4.Name the most common river bank tree that they
strengthens, it is very flexible, bends low in the wind, and does not break. (Willow).

5. This marsh plant is the main natural purifier of the coastal zone of a large river. (Reeds).

6. What is the cleanest, deepest lake, can it still be called a sea? Baikal

Game "Magic Wand"(by team)

Children pass a magic wand around and name everything related to water.

(color the ponds)


3) Plants

Game "Plant Alphabet"

Outdoor game "Wreath" ( glue plants)


4) Mailbox

    Come visit me!

I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me (snail, turtle).

    I've been waiting for a friend for 150 years. The character is positive, there is only one drawback -

slowness (turtle).

3. Friends! Anyone who needs needles, contact me (hedgehog).

4. I want to build a nest. Lend, give down and feathers (bird).

5. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I will successfully grow a new one (lizard).

6. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey (bear).

7. I will help everyone whose alarm clock (rooster) is broken.

8. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. I beg

Please note that I conduct classes at night (Owl).

9. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Don't call her Patrikeevna anymore (fox).

10. Help kind but lonely birds acquire family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life (cuckoo).

11. I am a forest animal. I sleep during the day and go out to feed at night. In winter I eat tree bark. I run fast. In winter my fur coat becomes white as snow. (hare).

(Glue animals)


4) You are a person

Who is the main miracle on Earth?

Exupery's book "The Little Prince" (show)

Finish the sentence:

To be called a little prince I must be.....

(Glue people)

5) History of the holiday

Every year in the spring, different countries of the Planet celebrate twice a holiday that is very clear to everyone - International Earth Day, which has different meanings. Earth Day is first celebrated on March 21, the vernal equinox.

Earth Day has acquired international significance since 1970, when over 20 million people around the world took part in various environmental events. And since 1990, April 22 has been declared International Earth Day; it is celebrated by residents of most countries of the world. In Russia, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1992.

Earth Day on April 22, like Earth Day, held on the vernal equinox, gives every inhabitant in every populated corner of the planet the opportunity to express gratitude to our great common home.

- Put together the puzzles of the flag and the holiday symbol (glue)

There is a Flag of the Earth in the world. However, it is not considered an official symbol. This flag is a photograph of our planet taken from space. In this capacity, a photograph of the planet on a dark blue background, which was taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on their way to the Moon, is now used.
And this is what the symbol of this day looks like, a green Greek letter gamma on a white background.

According to established tradition, it is customary to ring the Peace Bell on Earth Day. This sound should encourage all inhabitants of the Earth to think about preserving the beauty of our planet.

The Peace Bell is a symbol of peaceful life on Earth

The first Peace Bell was cast from coins collected by children from 60 countries. And it is located in Japan. This is what he looks like

The “Bell of Peace on Earth Day” campaign was supported by people of other countries and nations.

In Russia, the “Bell of Peace” was installed in 1998 in Moscow, in the museums of Nicholas Roerich.

The purpose of the action is to unite all people on the planet in protecting the environment

And while the bell is ringing, we will carefully and lovingly pass the model of our Earth from hand to hand.


The bell is ringing loudly,
He orders the world to live in peace,

So that the huge EarthThere has always been no war.

Good people, wake up,Yes, take a quick look around:We won't have anywhere to live,If the Earth is not preserved!

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us...!

In the alarm of the groves and forests

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask...

“You take care of us, take care of...!”

The deep river is sad

Our own, losing our shores.

“Take care of us, take care of us...!”

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a Man, man

We believe in you - don’t lie...

Take care of us, take care of us...!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

so beautiful and dear.

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you...”

He flies over the entire planet:
"Take care of this Earth!"

WE shout to all the people:
We all need to take care of nature!

If we don't take care of her,
We will destroy ourselves!


Look how elegant, beautiful, cheerful the planet has become! Let's try to do everything to make her like this in real life. We are the saviors and guardians of our huge home called “Earth”. All in our hands.

Nature is our wealth, preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and our duty. M. Prishvin, addressing the guys, wrote (reads out ): “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

Man is inseparable from nature. He learns from nature. Let's respect the laws of nature. Only in collaboration with nature can you and I be happy in our common home - on planet Earth!

(Attach congratulations)


Dear planet, Earth!

Congratulations on your holiday!

Forgive us for our mistakes.

We promise

Prosper, my land,
Have a good one, bloom, dear,
You are alone in the universe

Dear all earthlings!

Happy holiday, friends, congratulations.
Let's live in peace, not quarrel,
I wish you health, happiness, peace,
Let's create, don't destroy!

On Earth Day, wake up people.
May the Earth be beautiful
May it be everywhere and everywhere
There will be peace throughout the entire Earth.

Blooms from under the snow

Welcomes spring before everyone else.


We are all inhabitants of the Earth.
That's why Earth Day is
This is a holiday for all earthlings.
I send congratulations to all of you!
Happy Earth Day to everyone!
I wish you happiness and joy!
May good luck await you in everything,
Only this way and no other way!

Student 5. Did you know that an owl kills about 1000 rodents per year? If you consider that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, then one owl saves a ton of bread per year!

Student 6. The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite: it can eat 100 caterpillars in an hour. If a large number of insect pests appear in the forest, it deals with them within a few days.

Student 7. Bats clear the area of ​​malaria-carrying mosquitoes. In an hour of night hunting, a bat can catch and eat 160-170 mosquitoes.

Student 8. Over the summer, a swallow catches from half a million to a million all kinds of mosquitoes, midges, and aphids.

Student 9. Toads destroy not only harmful insects, but also slugs, and these are the most dangerous enemies of fields and vegetable gardens.

Student 10. During a summer day, kinglets fly to the nest with food up to 400 times.

Student 1. If you put the insects that a swift eats over the summer into one line, it will stretch for a kilometer.

Student 6. If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me, -

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakin

Parade of signs.

A game.

Who together in early spring

Digging a flowerbed in the yard ,

He will plant trees around

And he’ll fix the bench

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Who in winter in the cold, in the cold

Pours food into the feeder,

So that titmouses and sparrows

Did you tweet under the window?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Relaxing in the meadow,

Who throws jars and bottles

On flowers and on grass,

Destroying the beauty of forests?


Who, wandering home from school,

I stripped the bark from a birch tree.

Dandelions picked

And scattered it everywhere?


Who, having heard the hubbub of birds,

Will not scare away the animals by screaming,

He will go around the nest,

Won't it destroy the fox hole?

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Everything - everything

Needed in the world!

And midges

No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by

Without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators

Evil and ferocious

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey

And who makes the poison.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat

No better business.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone

We still really need each other.

Lyrics of the song “Earth is our home”

Music: Dobrynin V.

Words: Rozhdestvensky R.

I'm talking about

That the whole earth is our common home.

I'm also talking about this,

That they want to set this house on fire,

They want trouble to come to us,

So that life disappears forever.

The earth does not sleep every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks you and me in the eyes,

I'm talking about

That this house is dear to all of us.

Our good home, spacious home,

We all live in it from birth.

I'm also talking about this,

That we must save our home,

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth hopes for us.

The earth does not sleep every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks you and me in the eyes,

And you and I cannot remain silent.

The earth does not sleep every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks you and me in the eyes,

And you and I cannot remain silent.

The earth does not sleep every day

Looks into the eyes of his children.

Looks you and me in the eyes,

And you and I cannot remain silent.

“Copied from the site”

Children of the earth

1. Among countless planets

There is no longer one like this in the world

Don't look in vain, you won't find it anyway

And may there be countless other planets

You take care of what you have

Fly planet our huge bright house, common home


It's good that we are still children

How good it is that there is peace on the planet

It's good that the sun is shining

It's so good that we are your children

2. We often look to the skies

Since childhood we believe in miracles

But we always forget about only one thing

What is the main miracle of the Earth?

We are all one family on it

And the whole planet is our huge bright house, a common home

Target: nurturing a caring, humane attitude towards native nature, a sense of love and responsibility for it.

Equipment: exhibition of drawings on the theme “Nature of our region”; posters with statements by prominent people about nature; costumes; musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event

The presenter comes out to the music of J. Light “The Lonely Shepherd”.


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day.

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate his shrines.

Leading. Look around: what a beautiful, amazing world surrounds us - forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, and has a beneficial effect on his soul. The beauty of simple and unsophisticated Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, and musical works were born thanks to love for her.

The song “Our Land” is played (music by D. Kabalevsky, lyrics by A. Alien).

Presenter. Our life is inseparable from nature. Nature feeds, waters, clothes, heals us. She is generous and selfless. She gives us everything for life, but also requires us to take care of ourselves. All of us living today are responsible for our nature to our descendants.

However, sometimes both adults and children behave carelessly and wastefully towards her. This brings great trouble.

Scene “Conversation of Flowers”.

Presenter. Early morning. The sun rose, its warm, gentle rays illuminated the meadow and forest. Ant grass grows in the meadow. I hear some noise. Yes, someone is talking! Who is this?

Chamomile. Good morning, dear Lily of the Valley!

Lily of the valley. Good morning, if it is good. Just yesterday some guys came to our forest for an excursion. And when they saw me and my brothers, they attacked us. I don’t even know how I stayed alive. The rest were gathered into huge heaps and carried away.

Chamomile. What a horror! And I just now noticed that your house is in a deplorable state. And you yourself don’t look any better.

Lily of the valley. But for some reason I don’t hear the Bell... Haven’t you seen him, Romashka?

Bell. Oh, who remembered this about me? And, dear friends, hello!

Lily of the valley. Greetings, dear Bell!

Chamomile. What's new?

Bell. My news is not good. Yesterday, during the evening chime of bells, I heard an alarm signal. The boys swam in the lake, laughed, rejoiced, and then for some reason they picked white water lily flowers. So the water lilies cried.

Lily of the valley. I feel sorry for them. These flowers are very beautiful on the water. And when you pick them, the beauty disappears, they quickly wither,

Chamomile. Since ancient times, the white water lily has been called overpowering grass.

Bell. What are we going to do now?

Lily of the valley. I heard that there is some kind of Red Book that protects animals and plants.

Chamomile. So let's quickly go to the Red Book. Maybe she will protect us.

Flowers run away.

Presenter. Many plants and animals that were once common have now become rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book are in danger. They may disappear forever from the face of the Earth, as many species have already disappeared. The flowers whose conversation we overheard are also included in the Red Book of our region.

Reader 1.

Flowers disappear on the ground.

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves it to us every summer.

Revelation of meadow flowers

We hardly understood.

We trampled them carelessly

And thoughtlessly, mercilessly tore.

Reader 2.

The master’s “Stop!” was silent within us,

It seemed to us that everything was small and small.

And then in the city crowd

We dragged armfuls of them tiredly.

Reader 3.

And they didn’t see how from under their feet,

Silently, barely breathing,

The cornflower looked doomedly,

The carnations looked hopeless.

E. Karasev

Reader 4.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,

I'm ready to swear on my head

The fact that all colors have eyes,

And they look at you and me.

In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure

I saw: flowers, like people, cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

R. Gamzatov

Reader 5.

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me, -

If we pick flowers,

All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty.

T. Sobakin

The Russian folk song “There was a birch tree standing in the field” sounds. Birch appears.

Birch. Hello guys! I came to visit you from the forest. Forests are the lungs of our planet. If a person can live without food for more than a month, without water - 5 days, then without oxygen - no more than 3 minutes. The forest helps retain moisture in the soil; without it, rivers and lakes would dry up, fields and gardens would not produce crops. Mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs grow in the forest, animals and birds live. People make many things from wood: houses, furniture, paper, pencils, fabrics. This is why forests are so important to humanity. That is why it must be protected and preserved. Do all people take good care of the forest? Come to the forest and you will see traces of a barbaric attitude towards it.

Reader 1.

Everything is so wounded in the forest,

Like after the days of war.

There's no survivor to be found here

Neither spruce nor pine.

Stabbed a birch tree with a knife

Some kind of crook.

It seems to me from under the bark

My tears are flowing.

From human callousness

My soul hurts.

Under the crippled oak tree

It’s not the wind that’s moaning, it’s me.

The anthill is set on fire

With a blasphemous hand.

It seems to me that he is not on fire.

My hell is burning.

The earth is burnt and scarred

Like in the days of great trouble

Traces of intoxicated bravado.

Traces of carelessness.

They left, having offended beauty,

Confused by the forest comfort.

Without hearing what's behind you

All the leaves are shedding tears.

Birch. Guys, each of you was in the forest. Let's now remember what rules we must follow when getting into the forest.

The children come out and take turns calling out the rules.

Do not cut down trees in the forest, do not break branches and bushes. Remember that the air in the forest contains 300 times less bacteria than in the city.

Do not pick forest and wildflowers. Remember: the lily of the valley blooms in the 6th year, and the lady's slipper - in the 18th year.

Don't destroy anthills. Know that 3-4 anthills reliably protect 1 hectare of forest from pests.

Be careful with fire in the forest. Remember: 97% of fires are caused by humans.

Do not turn on radios or tape recorders loudly in the forest, as this disturbs birds and animals.

Don't leave uncollected trash. Remember that abandoned paper will rot in 2 years, broken glass will last 30 years, and polyethylene will last several decades.

Do not leave inscriptions on trees and stones. They will only cause disappointment and regret to those who come after you.

Birch. Dear Guys! I would really like you all to remember these rules of behavior in nature and demand that your acquaintances and friends follow them. Now, guys, help me guess the secrets of the forest.

- It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter. (Forest)

—What tree is called musical? Is it used to make pianos, guitars and other musical instruments? (Spruce)

— Which firewood produces the most heat? (Oak and birch)

— What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen)

- Which tree, like birch, gives sweet sap? (Maple)

- Why does a hare gnaw aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (Aspen bark contains 10% fat)

Thank you guys for helping me understand the secrets of the forest.

Presenter. Our smaller brothers live in the forest: birds and animals. Among them are many of our faithful friends. Birds are protectors of forests, fields, and gardens. They preserve the harvest and destroy a huge number of harmful insects. Birds of prey catch rodents in the fields. Birds decorate our land. Listen to their unique voices.

Reader 2.

We are immensely rich

In our gardens and groves

So many different birds,

You're just amazed.

But ask someone else

What does he know about birds?

Let him answer sensibly -

And, look, you will be surprised.

What about the fauna, they say.

What about our wealth?

In the fields, in the copses.

So to speak, the bird kingdom.

Bird kingdom. But only.

Well, blackbirds, well, titmice.

Where can you remember all the nicknames?

Just birds and that's all.

And, of course, it’s alarming

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

Not responsible for anything.

Like just a little

To us on this planet

All that remains is to live and rule.

Not like the owners,

This is how we destroy our property.

And we are proud of nature

And we love the fatherland.

Leading. Birds and animals very often need human help. It's not easy for birds in winter.

Scene “Conversation of birds in a forest clearing.”

Glade. Crow appears on the stage, looking back in fear, and sits down on a tree stump.

Crow. Kar-rr, kar-rr... Hooligans! Oh, it’s hard for us crows to live. Everyone has to be afraid, especially children. As soon as they see me, they try to hit me with snow, and at any moment they will cripple me.

Tit appears on the stage.

Tit. Brrr, what a frost! Hello, Auntie Vorona! And I hear someone talking here. Let me see, I think. And here you are. Who are you talking to?

Crow. Karrrr... I barely made it out of the city right now. I still can’t catch my breath. Hooliganism (threatens his “wing” towards an imaginary city). I sat on the fence, looking for something to profit from, and the guys threw snowballs at me (sighs)...

Tit. And for us tits, life is no easier in winter. You fly and fly, looking to find a crumb of bread or a piece of lard. Sometimes you won’t find anything all day and you fall asleep hungry. Do you know, Aunt Vorona, that out of ten tits, only nine survive the winter... My poor sisters!

Crow. What can I say, in winter all birds and animals feel bad. Yesterday I met Sparrow in a clearing, he also complained of hunger, saying that he didn’t know how to survive the winter.

Tit. And I recently heard the news. The magpie was chattering throughout the forest about how things would be easier for the birds this winter. They say that there are schoolchildren who have hung feeders all over the city. And they contain different food: seeds, bread crumbs, lard...

Crow. What kind of feeders are these?

Tit(points into the distance). Yes, look!

Crow. Carrrr! Indeed! Last year I saw the same feeder at one house. I was flying around the city once. I haven’t eaten anything for three days, I sat on a branch, I have no strength. Well, I think that's it - the end has come. It's smooth, and on the tree hangs the same feeder. I looked into it, and there were seeds... That’s how I survived that winter.

Tit. And I felt bad that winter. And sometimes you fly up to the feeder, and there’s nothing there, the guys forgot to pour in the food. So you will remain hungry.

Crow. Do you think Magpie told the truth about the feeders?

Tit. Don't know. It’s hard to trust a magpie; she’s always spreading all sorts of tall tales through the forest.

Crow. How cool it would be with feeders! How many birds would the guys save from starvation?

Tit. Auntie Vorona, let’s ask the guys to hang up the feeders and don’t forget to put food in them. And then no winter will be scary for us birds.

Presenter. Guys, protect the birds in winter, feed them, hang feeders and don’t forget to pour food into them.

The song “Don't tease the dogs” is performed (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Leading. Nature reserves have been created for birds and animals, but despite this, they die from poachers.

Reader 3.

The wounded bird was not given into the hands,

A wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream about this old dream,

A bird flinched on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish, animals

They look into people's souls.

You feel sorry for them, people,

Don't kill in vain

After all, the sky without birds is not heaven!

And a sea without fish is not a sea!

And a land without animals is not a land!

Presenter. Many animal species have already disappeared, some are on the verge of extinction. A young man came to us for the holiday with the book “Memory of the Dead,” and now he will introduce you to it.

Yunnat. Whoever left their signatures in this book: elephants and tigers, beavers and roe deer. Everyone complains about human injustice! Even wolves. The wolf complains that children are frightened by his good name. Meanwhile, he is smart and not so harmful. “The time will come, and people will still regret that they exterminated wolves so mercilessly,” he wrote in conclusion. And here are the statements of fish included in the complaint book. In one of the difficult moments of their lives, they came together and made a speech to the people. “Dear humanity! - they write. “You catch us with hooks and nets.” We submit: you are stronger and smarter than us. Dear people! Be reasonable. For your own benefit! Do not forget that a fish is a neat, clean creature. Why do you pollute ponds, rivers, lakes? Why are you destroying us and our children? What good does it do you?” Yes, many animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth. The steppe wild horse, the torpan, which was hunted for its tasty meat 100 years ago, is completely gone. The tours are extinct. Wolves were previously subjected to mass extermination. But it turned out that the wolf, like the hawk, is a forest orderly. Today this animal is listed in the Red Book. A person should never be cruel, he must always act wisely. Remember this!

Leading. Thank you, young man! The guys and I will try to treat every living thing with care. Thanks for the good advice. We would really like you to remember our holiday. Dancing for you... (last name, first name of the performer).


Presenter. And now, guys, let’s see how smart and quick-witted you are, how well you know the animal world. Answer my questions.

- Name an animal that can cut down trees. It has been taken under guard. (Beaver)

— This bird becomes deaf during mating. Hence its name. (Caercaillie)

— There are rumors about this bird that it brings children. (Stork)

“The image of this large animal can be put on a medal for success in the reproduction of wild animals. They are protected in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nature Reserve. (Bison)

Reader 1.

Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

No matter what trouble comes,

If they are intact, everything will be reborn again.

Reader 2.

Mother Nature, no rivers or seas

Doesn't hide from your eyes.

No dewy grass, no blue skies...

Appreciate her trust

And enter the dark forest,

Like in a temple, under marble vaults.

S. Vikulov

Reader 3.

Oh, how tolerant and kind Mother Nature is,

But so that her dashing fate does not befall her,

Let's save:

There is sturgeon on the rods,

Orca - in the sky,

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Reader 4.

If we are destined to breathe the same air,

Let's all unite forever,

Let's save our souls

Then we ourselves will survive on earth!

Reader 1.

Human! Spare the animals and birds,

Trees and flowers.

After all, these are all words,

What a king of nature you are!

Let the chicks

And to little animals

It's good to live next to us.

Reader 2.

Tree, grass, flowers and birds

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading. Guys, we must preserve the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Nature conservation is a sacred duty and responsibility of everyone. Have a sacred attitude towards all living things. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower, do not cut down trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Pick up trash after yourself in forest clearings. Avoid fires in the forest. Do not pollute rivers, lakes and do not allow your friends to do so. Don't destroy birds' nests, don't kill animals.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Extracurricular Activities Center

Novourgalsk urban settlement

Verkhnebureinsky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory

Speech by the propaganda team



Compiled by: Lexau L.M. – additional education teacher


On the stage globe, people in black clothes come up to it and throw garbage (sand, coal, papers, sawdust) on it, spray it with spray cans. At this time in the crowdstudents they begin to cough, sneeze, and choke, simultaneously moving towards the stage.


Hello adults, hello children!

We are faced with the biggest problem in the world.

With the problem of fires, with the problem of disaster. The planet prays:"Help!"

All participants raise - HELP - spelling

Look at the globe - the globe of the earth.
After all, he sighs as if alive.
And the continents whisper to us:
"Take care of us,take care

The groves and forests are in alarm.
Dew on the grass is like a tear.
The deer stopped his run:
“Be a Man, man!
We believe in you - don't lie,
You take care of ustake care

A deep river murmurs

Yours, caressing the shores

protect me andtake care !

And birds and fish, I hear them all

We ask you Man

Promise us and don't lie

Like our elder brother -TAKE CARE.

I hug the globe, the globe of the earth,
So familiar and dear.
And something happened to me

I suddenly whispered, I won’t lie.

You - Earth ISAVE .

Changes in nature

Happens year after year.

Everything looks fine, it seems

Even if the weather is bad.

Just take a better look:

The grass is dying, the forest is dying!

How can you call it?


We appeal to you - People!
The factories are smoking, the old forest is dying!
Without forests there will be no life on Earth!
Damn your "progress" people!

All students leave, older students come out to the music and perform a dance.


Tourists pour in:

Tourist 1: Today we came for a walk.

Fortunately, the forest is just a stone's throw away!

We bought everything:

Food, matches, lemonade.

Tourist 2: Fresh air will excite you

Our healthy appetite!

And packages, jars, bottles...

The forest is big, it can accommodate everything!

Forest, is it nobody's?

All: Nobody!

Tourist 3: Let’s settle down quickly!

We can't be bothered here:

Burn and pour, hack and hit!

There is no trash can, take it to the bushes!

We are on first terms with nature!

1 tourist: Let's bury the cans in the ground,

Let's throw trash to the birds!

Let's throw all the bottles into the river -

Let the parcels float into the sea.

Tourist 2: We are kings! Be silent, Nature!

Everything here is ours - the forest and the waters!

Tourist 3: We lit a fire in the forest, sat and went

But the fire was not put out. It will go out on its own - we decided.

All the tourists get up and leave. The fire will flare up. There is alarming music and sounds of a fire in the forest. The students appear and perform the FIRE dance.

1: The wind scattered the flames, and it became like a stove all around.

2: The fire rose to the skies and followed everyone.

The elders come out : The forest is dying. The animals have disappeared -

All misfortunes cannot be measured.

3: Tourist, don't leave the fire!
We feel very sorry for our forest house.
We feel sorry for the grass, we feel sorry for the trees...
What is this morality in life?

In chorus: tourist, don't leave the fire!

4: Do not leave burning fires - the forest will remain safe and healthy.Everyone leaves the stage.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!
Lark at blue zenith,
A butterfly on a dodder stem,Sun glare on the path,
A crab playing on the stones,The shadow of a baobab tree over the desert,
A hawk soaring over a field,
Clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in lifeTake care of the Earth, take care !

Spare animals and birds, trees and bushes.

After all, these are all words, That you are the king of nature.

You are only a part of it, a dependent part:

What is your power and authority without it?

But the tree, the grass, the flower and the bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be left alone on the planet.

So that the forest will always be with us,
Man, look at yourself!
Holy is the law that was invented by the fathers, -
If you cut down a tree, plant three!

Everyone knows this truth from birth.

And I won’t hide it from anyone:

“Who doesn’t love their native nature,

He doesn’t love his Fatherland!”

Our planet - Earth -

Very generous and rich.

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys.

We are young Defenders of Nature!
We swear to preserve and protect the world!
We will carry this oath through the years!
Love and Fidelity are our Seal!!!


PERFORMING A SONG (to the tune of “Musicians of Bremen”)

There is nothing better in the world,
How to save the planet from destruction.
The beloved forest will be fresh and green,
We will share this joy with you / 2 times.

Take care of all living things nearby
And look at everything with a master's eye
Even small children know
There must be order on the planet / 2 times.

Let the water in the river flow faster
May the birds always sing above us.
And you and I will help nature
We will multiply this joy / 2 times. DANCE

Recently, skits on environmental themes have become very relevant. With the help of environmental scenes, you can teach children from a very early age to take care of nature and love all life on Earth. Today's schoolchildren are future adults. Perhaps some of them will become ministers, deputies or directors of industrial enterprises. And in just a few years, the environmental situation in the country and throughout the world will depend on them.

Skits on an environmental theme clearly explain to children why they need to take care of the cleanliness of the environment, and what consequences can result from neglect of nature.

Ecological skit for schoolchildren

From the plot of this sketch on an environmental theme, schoolchildren will understand that the planet’s natural resources are not endless, and they must be used sparingly. In particular, no one thinks about what will happen if the supply of drinking water on the planet decreases hundreds of times! After staging this environmental skit for primary school, the children will learn to use natural resources carefully.

Presenter 1:
We live strangely and incorrectly on Earth: we protect what is valuable and precious, but we do not preserve what is priceless. Diamonds, diamonds, gold, money are protected, but lakes, springs, clouds, areas of clean air, deserted places are not. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere from the outside. We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home.

Presenter 2:
The world of living nature is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 1:
Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why are miracles from fairy tales,
If you can meet them in life

Presenter 2:
Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chime of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

(There are flowerpots (vases) with fresh flowers on the stage. To the music “How beautiful this world is,” a carefree girl comes out and reaches out her hand to pick one flower.)

Presenter 1:
Stop! How much joy there is at the sight of flowers! How much tenderness is in the heart. How many sincere exclamations!

Presenter 2:
And how many flowering plants were torn out by their roots. How many withered, tortured and thrown bouquets on the ground.

(Primary school students come on stage one by one and recite poems.)

Student 1:
She picked a flower and threw it right away,
She carelessly pressed it down with her foot.
You stand and don’t worry about anything
And mechanically you tear another one.

Student 2:
How can you? How dare you?
He was blooming now... He was alive...
I breathed... I looked at the sky boldly,
He stretched his head towards the sun.

Student 3:
He believed in human friendship,
I did not know the cruelty of the hand,
I trust you to meet me
He raised his petals.

Student 4:
And he is for you and everyone who is nearby,
Who didn't look at him?
Will give beauty and joy -
Everything - everything that is full and rich.

Presenter 1:
Lists known species of animals and plants in the area that are listed in the Red Book.

Presenter 2:
Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:
We offend forests and fields,
The rivers groan from bitter grievances
And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,
And the future will not forgive us.

(The melody from the movie Terminator 2 plays.)

Voice behind the scene :
2148 After the global environmental disaster that broke out on Earth, fresh water reserves decreased by 50 times. In this regard, every inhabitant of the planet received a special electronic key, through which he could receive his daily norm - 350 ml of water.

(On the stage there is a water distribution point. At the point there is a dispenser and two police officers in uniform (a guy and a girl). They have a laptop on the table. The line reaches the mother and son. The mother hands the policeman two electronic keys (flash drives). The policeman checks keys by inserting them into the laptop.)

Policeman (addressing the distributor):
700 milliliters for two.

(The distributor measures water into the mother’s can. He and the boy move away from the distribution point, the woman slips, falls and spills water. The boy helps her get up.)

Boy :
Mom, are you hurt?

Mother :
It doesn't matter, son, I spilled all our water. What to do now? How to live today without water?

Boy :
Let's try to ask for water a second time, because everyone saw that you didn't fall on purpose.

(They approach the water distribution point again.)

Mom (addressing the police girl):
Miss, can we get some water again, I accidentally fell and spilled everything.

Police Girl:
I saw it, ma'am, but I can't help it. You have already received your quota today. I'm really sorry.

(Mom sits at the edge of the stage and cries.)

Boy (addressing the policeman):
Excuse me sir, why can't we get some more water?

Police officer :
It's just that in this case someone else won't get their portion.

Boy :
And my mother said that once there was enough water for everyone, and it even flowed from the taps in every house.

Police officer :
It really used to be like that.

Boy :
So what happened?

Police officer :
If you want, I can tell you.

(Only the boy and the policeman remain on stage. A large poster is brought to the middle of the stage, on which a lake with clear water is drawn.)

Police officer :
Not so long ago there was enough fresh water on the planet for everyone. You could enter the water without special protective clothing, you could even swim in it. But a person rarely appreciates what he has. And especially when it came to water. After all, there is so much of it on the planet. But only 2% of this amount was fresh water suitable for drinking. Springs, rivers, lakes were its repositories. Man used them at his own discretion.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of the enterprise to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Industrial enterprises grew up on the banks of reservoirs and discharged untreated wastewater into the water.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of agricultural land to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Rains washed away pesticides and fertilizers from the fields, which were widely used in agriculture.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a gas station to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Numerous car washes and gas stations continuously supplied highly toxic petroleum products to groundwater.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a tanker to the drawing of the lake and paints over the remaining part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Frequent tanker accidents led to the leakage of millions of tons of crude oil into the seas and oceans, destroying all life for many square miles around. And one day it turned out that there was practically no potable water left on the planet. And every day its quantity decreases and decreases...

Presenter 1:
The way people now manage water resources is a crime against humanity.

Presenter 2:
Children, think about it, because what you just saw could really be your future.

Presenter 1:
Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic drains, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Presenter 2:
Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate use of nature, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, each person - all and separately.

(Primary school students come on stage and sing a song to the soundtrack “Let there always be sunshine.”)

Student 1:
The circle of the sun, the sky around, -
Do you remember the boy's drawing?

Student 2:
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:

Student 3:
May there always be sunshine

Student 4:
May there always be heaven.

Student 5:
May there always be a mother
May it always be me!

Student 1:
The time has come and grown
Lots of talented kids.

Student 2:
Each of us wants to know
Where is that boy now?

Student 3:
He sits in his office

Student 4:
Builds chemical plants

Student 5:
Drains the lakes
Floods forests.

Student 1:
He prepares reports

Student 2:
Speaking from the podium

Student 3:
And then at your leisure,

Student 4:
Sitting in a chair, he sings:
May there always be a position
And a career opportunity,

Student 5:
Office, secretary,
And, of course, me!

Student 1:
Everything would be fine, but he
A stubborn son grew up.

Student 2:
And he wrote on a piece of paper,
Walking out with a poster in hand:

Student 3:
Let's protect this land
From the hands of bureaucrats!

Student 4:
We won't allow you to mock
Above the native nature!

Student 5:
May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
Let there be water in the sea
And in the desert there is a camel!

Student 1:
May there always be groves
May there always be birds

Student 2:
Let there be animals in the taiga,
And there are flowers at home!

Student 3:
May there always be people

Student 4:
May there always be children

Student 5:
May you always be in clear skies
The sun will shine!

Ecological mini-scene

This mini skit on an environmental theme is ideal for summer camp, school or kindergarten. All children know the characters depicted - three Russian heroes, so every child will be happy to play one of them. Staging an environmental scene takes only a few minutes, but at the same time, it carries a deep meaning. This will allow children to think about the future of the environment on the planet.

Dobrynya Nikitich (looking from under the palm):
Eh, little pole... You stand neither alive nor dead, as if after a massacre...

Ilya Muromets :
There’s something written here: If you go to the left, you’ll end up at a chemical plant... If you go to the right, you’ll be lost in a restricted area..., if you go straight, you won’t be able to pick up any bones on the off-road... Well, here we are!

Alesha Popovich :
Look, a black cloud is spreading over the field - this is not good! Do the dark forces really want to attack Rus'? Let's protect Mother Earth, brothers!

Nikitich :
Wait, don’t get excited, Alyosha! It’s not a cloud of enemies that covers the sky. And the smoke from the thermal station.

Ilya Muromets :
Tell me, Dobrynya Nikitich, why is this field dead?

Nikitich :
Because the battle raged on this field for many years. And this battle was called - the battle for the harvest. All of it, Mother Earth, was tortured with pesticides and nitrates, and now with atoms, radiation...

Alesha Popovich :
What is this! It’s in vain, then, that we, heroes, took away these fields from our enemies and watered them with our own blood?

Ilya Muromets :
No, it’s not in vain, Alyosha, come on, turn your horses, let’s go to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and hold a veche! Apparently, our time has come again - heroic!

Ecological skit for high school students

The following skit on an environmental theme is recommended for high school students. In fact, the script consists of several, in which there are witty jokes and modern humor. High school students are already fully aware of all the consequences of environmental pollution and irrational use of natural resources, so this sketch is more entertaining in nature. Such an environmental skit can be staged at a summer camp or at a themed school event.

Presenter 1:
Dear friends, homo sapiens, how are you feeling? Nothing? I'm sorry, what? My head hurts? Is your heart pounding? Does your side tingle? Well, it’s nothing, tomorrow you’ll see a doctor, and then you can go in for an examination, x-rays, tests, this and that...

Presenter 2:
Now let’s think about who will take Nature to the doctor? Who will listen to her heart? Who, don’t you know?

(A student wearing a white coat and a doctor’s cap comes onto the stage.)

Doctor :
Comrades! I would like to know if there are any smokers among those present? Homo tabacus, so to speak? If you have, raise your hands! However, you don’t have to raise them; they are easy to recognize by their complexion. The news we just received is just for you:
Nicotine is good for you! This discovery was recently made by demographers. Using simple calculations, he proved that thanks to nicotine, the number of smokers poisoning the city's atmosphere is decreasing much faster than it would have decreased without nicotine!

(At this time, several high school students come onto the stage with lit cigarettes, approach the Doctor and blow smoke at him. He faints, they pick him up and carry him away.)

Presenter 1:
Yes, it turns out that nature is kind of an orphan. But she is our mother. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to you and me. For example, in areas adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the number of severe respiratory tract diseases, cancer and other diseases has recently increased...

Presenter 2:
According to GREENPEACE, every year the children of nature dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean. And even the mighty ocean becomes sick, whales wash ashore, and icebergs are already blackened with mud...

(A student dressed as a scientist comes on stage.)

Scientist :
As you know, science does not stand still! The perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, but... Finally, a motor ship engine has been invented, powered by waste from the oil and chemical industries dumped into rivers. Scientists predict a long and fruitful life for this invention!

(Several people enter the stage like a train, one after another. They, as they do in a children’s game, imitate the movement of the steamship, imitating the sound of the engine and the whistle. At the same time, they hold their noses with their fingers, wincing with disgust from the smell of the poisoned river.)

Presenter 1:
We once joked: In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word. Now there is no time for jokes. And won't the last word be SOS!?

Presenter 2:
The ozone holes that we look at today with horror are holes in the ship of our planet. Who are we sending SOS signals to? Isn't it to yourself?

(A schoolboy dressed as a sea captain appears on stage.)

Islands untouched by civilization conceal amazing surprises! We recently visited one of these. There was a population explosion there. The population of the uninhabited island of Cappuccino in the Pacific Ocean today numbers already half a million inhabitants!

(Dancers run onto the stage in savage costumes reminiscent of beach ones. They dance a lambada, the Captain joins them).

Presenter 1:
Attention! Latest issue of the newspaper!

Presenter 2:
You say newspaper? Where is she? Would like to watch...

Presenter 1:
She is here! The title is not catchy, but accurate: “Ecological Truth.”

(A high school student comes out with a large piece of whatman paper and reads out the lines written on it to the soundtrack “Holidays in Prostokvashino.”)

Student :
Comrades, we are starting an oral special edition of the newspaper "Ecological Truth"! This is the message we received from the village of Verkhnyaya Lepetikha! (is reading):
Albino fox. Experienced hunter Pavel Samokhin shot a white fox. Imagine the surprise of the 75-year-old hunter when at the reception point it turned out that the fox fur was... synthetic! Over the past season, this is already the second case of foxes with artificial fur being shot!

As the information is read, a miniature is shown on stage.

Characters: Hunter and Receiver.

The hunter dumps the fur out of the bag and is surprised to discover that it is not a fox skin, but a factory synthetic fur coat. The receptionist, who is no less surprised, coquettishly tries on this fur coat, then takes the Hunter by the arm, and they leave together.

Also, school humorous skits on an environmental theme can be supplemented with rhymes, riddles and competitions. But the main idea they carry is the preservation of natural balance and respect for the environment, in order to ensure the best future for the next generations.

Scenario "Ecological"

“About ecology – jokingly and seriously.”

(song to the tune of "The Town Musicians of Bremen")

The whole world is in our hands, it is controlled by people.

We want to find out now what will happen to the world tomorrow.

We stopped by for an hour. Hello. Bonjour, hello.

Everything we are going to tell you now has been worrying us for a long time.

Come on, all together. Open your ears.

You must listen to us carefully.

Let me introduce myself: the environmental team of _______________high school.

“Ekos” (letters turned over)

The propaganda team "Ekos" presents a modern super-blockbuster based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" - "About ecology - jokingly and seriously."

They fly away like a swarm of bees.

Music secret materials

The screen moves apart.

it's almost lunchtime

No meat, no bread

No porridge with milk


There is only water and flour


Let's bake it like a kolobok.

But notice at the same time

Like water from the river

the one in which last summer

crayfish and fry died.


Because it's next to the river

The chemical plant flourished

And poisoned the water with poison

Losing capital.

And in the flour there is a terrible secret -


There was a tangle of nitrates in her


Unsightly and dangerous

The result was a bun.


And feeling sorry for my grandparents

At night I burst out of tears

And rushed off without looking back

Into the dark dark

Scary forest.(music background)

Swallowing tears while running

He ran along the path

Under a gnarled birch tree

He met the oblique one.

The hare was a poor mutant

And had twelve legs

He was all shabby, three-horned


This age is unfortunately cruel.


Eat me soon my friend

Hare: God! with poison pie!

(Runs away)

The wolf and the bun run out.


Eat me top quickly

Look, I'm a bun


If I eat it for diarrhea

I'll die later buddy

I don't have enough left

Live in a ruined forest

Don't waste your time

And roll - look for the fox.

After all, as the fairy tale says

The fox must eat you.

I don't envy her

I suffered from people.


Only at the end of the night

I found a fox in the forest

I was very, very scared

Seeing her beauty

Very sad girl

In a cucumber-colored fur coat

The fox cried bitterly

Waiting for the end

And peace that is forever.


I must eat you, of course

but I hardly can

no teeth and appetite

the environment is in trouble

and almost completely killed

the entire natural environment...

go home sick

come back bun

albeit bitter but useful

people will learn a lesson.

loss. Well, you're scary. Everyone runs behind the screen and hides behind it.

Everyone comes out: Song “Forgive the Earth”

People of the Earth!

What kind of future are we choosing for ourselves?

    • Extermination of plants and animals

    • Disappearance of Civilizations

We choose

    • Pure nature

      Health of the nation

      Peaceful sky

      Laughter and joy

And suddenly he sighed as if alive!

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear,

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you!”

1.We told you a lot,

What is happening on our earth.

The birds in the park became scared,

Squirrels hide from people.

But we want to remind you once again

That we have the same path for all:

"We are humans"! This means -

Let's save planet Earth!

2.And let the birds sing everywhere,

Spring streams are babbling,

Let there be many berries in the forests.

And there will be schools of fish in the rivers.

May the planet on which you and I live not know grief.

We are human. This means -

Let's save planet Earth.

You and I are people. This means -

Let's save planet Earth.

(song “Blue Bird”)


Music: V. Dobrynina

The world is not simple

not at all simple

You can't hide in it

from storms and thunderstorms

You can't hide in it

from winter blizzards

And from separation

from bitter separations

But besides troubles

uninvited troubles

There are stars in the world

and sunlight

There is a sound of leaves

and the warmth of the fire

people have

Sorry earth

Look, here again black smoke is floating in the skies over the taiga

Day and night, under the roar of cars, we destroy our earth,

It's like we're on an alien planet,

The explosion reared the rock, and the water suddenly left the stream.

Mother Earth, hour after hour, rocking us in her arms,

How could you know where your trouble is?

Sorry, Earth! We're still growing.

Forgive your children for everything, for everything.

Believe me, Earth, people will find ways

Save you, save yourself.

Search for at least two thousand years, fly to the farthest star,

And in an unimaginable distance, we are another such Earth

We will never find it anywhere.

The earth is now in the grass, now in the snow. The earth, where half the sky is dawn,

Every day and every hour We are indebted to you,

Forgive foolish children, Earth

Chorus 3 times

I am talking about the fact that the whole earth is our common home.

I’m also talking about the fact that they want to set this house on fire,

They want trouble to come to us, for life to disappear forever.

The earth does not sleep, and every day

Looks into the eyes of his children,

Looks you and me in the eyes,

And you and I cannot remain silent.

I’m talking about the fact that this house is dear to all of us,

Our good home, a spacious home, we have all lived in it since birth.

I’m also talking about the fact that we must save our house,

Let's prove that it's not in vain that the earth is counting on us.