
Word with suffix

Word with the suffix "chick": spelling rules and examples

What words with the suffix -chik-, -schik- do you know? Almost everyone can answer this question. Although there are also people who are confused in the formulation of these morphemes. In this regard, the presented article...
Help from angels.  Archangel Gabriel speaks

Help from angels. Archangel Gabriel speaks

The word “angel” translated from ancient Greek means “messenger, messenger.” Of all the representatives of the Higher Powers, Angels are closest to us. They help us, guide us on our path and bring us messages from...
Canonical structures resonance structure

Canonical structures resonance structure

Basic provisions of the coordination theory In the molecule of any complex compound, one of the ions, usually positively charged, occupies a central position and is called a complexing agent or central...
Optical phenomenon mirage and its types

Optical phenomenon mirage and its types

Mirage deceives people and gives them unrealistic hopes. Destroys entire caravans and interferes with rescue operations. Appears before the astonished gaze of the public as ghosts, thereby causing them to lose consciousness - and...
Situation on the southwestern front

Situation on the southwestern front

Who fought with whom? Now this question will probably confuse many ordinary people. But the Great War, as it was called in the world before 1939, claimed more than 20 million lives and forever changed the course of history. For 4...